Monday, September 27, 2010

Are you ready?

Friends, mates, comrades, we want to show you our love for you once again. To be completely honest, we don't know how it's gonna be this season closing party, but one thing we know for sure:
it's gonna be MASSIVE!!!

Thank you for your last presence Thursday, it was like a family reunion, everyone had a huge smile and satisfaction on his/her face. So, to show you how much we appreciate you, we will have our house specialty, the best of the best, old school meets new school, or to put it simply:
Bela, VyGO and Gramosoul will set your shoes on fire

They will infuse in you some wicked sounds in your liquid souls and leave you with a pleasant memory of all that means Obo Cafe. Ladies and gentleman, get ready, and take your next day (Wednesday, to be more precise) off, 'cause you are going to be wasted, and who the hell can go to work completely ravaged.

So, you know: we're closing in style and fully confident. We will be recharging our batteries and reopening hopefully sometime in November. And then...
party again

See you very, very soon. Tuesday :D !

cheerios and n'Joy.

P.S.:please, comment on this one. This blog deserves at least one comment :P

Best regards: Paul, Stefan, Phuncee, Andrea

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Schedule Change

So here it goes :

The following changes have been made

Monday : Closed
Tuesday : Bye bye ... Tai tai party w/ vyGO , Bela & Gramosoul
And from wednesday bye bye old Obo until the new one shall open sometime in November.

Signed OBO Staff

ps: Jack's PHOTOs

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Thursday : Jack's Birthday w/ vyGO , Cahul & Dimitri
Friday : Last Friday for our regular guests ( only w/ reservation)
Saturday : Reserved
Sunday - Monday : Closed
Tuesday : vyGO back 2 back Aleka
Wednesday : Closed
Thursday : we give our final breath w/ vyGO , Bela & Gramosoul (this will be big :) )
Friday : the space is empty

Middle of November ( Hopefully ) : OBO will resurrect


An END is a new, fresh START

Hello dears. It's been a while since we have opened Obo Cafe. Well, relatively, because we have had open for 10 months now, but still, we have lots of good memories, parties and we have learned many many things from this, which was somehow new even for us: opening a bar and making it work. We are proud of ourselves and mainly of all of you. We consider all of you good friends and we appreciate each and everyone of you.

Obo Cafe will close on the 1st of October. But no worries, you will hear of us soon, but we need a little time to fire everything up again. ( We believe it will be around the middle of November)

Until then, to show our love and appreciation to all you Obo Cafe supporters, we will have two massive Thursday night parties and one unforgetable Friday night thingy.

This week, the one and only, immortal, cherished VyGO with Dimitri and Cahul. We will be celebrating friend Jack's party, Jack Daniel's party. It's his 160th.

Friday we expect all of you to throw a massive party. You are our best friend, so you're wish is our command. Music you want to hear ( MC Phuncee), people you wanna bring. And bring some, 'cause it all depends on you on how cool it's gonna be Friday. And hey, it's the last Friday at the Obo Cafe you all know, on "Sitei colt cu Bisericii Romane" :P. And we will have some surprises from our friend Jack .

Forgot to mention: Tuesday, another VyGO party, back 2 back Aleka.

And the last Thursday if it's Thursday it's Obo theme party shall have special beloved guests: VyGO, Gramosoul and Bela. We want you there!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boogie nights

...for all the season that will come!

Long summer, long. With our tan done, with our vacation done, we have work to do. It's getting busy again. So here we go, with some crazy nights for all of you, starting from Thursday as usual. And what is a common phrase you all know? That's right: If it's Thursday, it's Obo, or "Daca e joi, e Obo". Proudly presenting vyGO, alongside Azteca, in an astonishing house music show brought to you only for you party people, wicked people, fun people. House music in it's purest forms in a friendly and minimalistic place a.k.a. at Obo Cafe.


What about Saturday?? School starts soon, but we still have a wild appetite for long nights and special parties. So, screw school and everything else, it's weekend. It's colder outside, but hotter than ever inside Obo. Jagermeister proudly presents & Inoxbrains, a public event you won't forget for a long time. Music from the underground, people getting higher and higher from the ground. I mean, this is SEEEEEErious! Breakbeat for starters, liquid and funky something, what the heck, not so much music for the masses, but music for the knowers.



Jagermeister Shot - 5 RON
Jager Red Bull - 12 RON
Jager Apple - 10 RON
Jager Cola - 10 RON
Jager Bomb - 8 RON
Jager Cranberry - 10 RON


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday you to be

Mhm. For Saturday, as I said before, one word: youtube. I won't go further revealing...yet. First: a red-line cocktail is made of Sambuca, Jose Cuervo Tequila and something called Creme de Cassis (1 teaspoon of it) which is a blood-red, sweet, blackcurrant flavored liqueur.
Served in a Shot Glass, excellent for this Saturday night.

Now, what is the meaning of all this? How in the world can these two things have something in common??! What these two things they have in common is Obo Cafe. Saturday, for a shot cocktail of red line, you will be the most powerful man/woman in the bar, for several minutes. Because for every red-line cocktail shot, shot of cocktail, you will choose the music, you want, one song or why not a video or something you like...from the YouTube.

We thought: Hey, let's make a YouTube night. We'll have an image projector, we have the internet, let's have fun with the YouTube like we have fun at home, only that this time you won't spend your time on YouTube at home, but /of course/ at Obo.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Ladies and lads. Are you bored? No sun is shining? We will give you that summer feeling this week, as in every week. The game night, or The Game Night, is huuuuuuuuge fun. I mean, games like "don't let the monkey fall out of the tree", Cluedo, Uno, Risc Commander, Jenga Tower, Saboteur, Cash'n'Guns and many, many more. You don't have all night to try all out. So, we gather again tomorrow (Wednesday) and we shall play. Seriously, not so seriously, depending on the game, but at least you will all do something creative and FUN.

Wednesday : Game Night.

Rendez-vous Thursday. Vygo meets Byby & Eddy. Minimalistic house muzak, good times. What else could I possibly say more about Thursday's at Obo than you all know. Maybe you even know more than we do. If you don't know how it is or what is it about, ask a friend, or ask a friend to ask a friend. One of these two possibilities will give you some info and some feedback. And I bet ya it's gonna be a good one.

For Saturday...we shall tease you a little bit. One word: youtube. ?!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday & Saturday

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Friday, July 9, 2010

Nechste woche

And for the NECHSTE WOCHE section...

Warm nights we shall have. If it's cold outsied, even if it's summer, it's gonna be warm and fuzzy next week at Obo Cafe.

Wednesday something extra. The name? Wednesday: Darts and friends night. Simple! The same old darts competition, but... (there is always a but >:) ). Game night, meaning that we'll have several games you can choose from, as Monopoly, Risc Commander, Nu te supara frate, Mix&Match, Scrabble, card games or you can even bring your own game. Why bring your own game?! That is as simple as the name of our Wednesday 'thing'. You will get a 30% discount on your drink. Game on!!!

Ladies night. If it's Thursday, it's Obo as some might say. More details soon..sooner or later :D.

For Friday, we will probably have a surprise for you. Begins with K... Start guessing.

And we just received an anonymous letter, which states that Funky Monkey, or Monkey, won't be in town only for this weekend, but even until next Saturday. Some even say, that (s)he is going to be in Brashow for quite a while and that (s)he bought a parking lot close to Obo Cafe. That is serious! Hooray!!


Yellou...! How you doin'? All good? ALL GOOD! 'Cause my friends, this is what's gonna happen on Saturday! The infamous Funky Monkey is in town....again!!! And (s)he's going to do some serious business. It seems (s)he likes Brashow so much, (s)he decided to party again Saturday at the (also infamous but seriously fun) Obo cafe. With his/her afro hair style, big shades and that yummy monkey ears, people say (s)he's going to be dancing wildly all night to the many genres (s)he likes. In respect for the almighty Funky Monkey, the most special guest of all our special guests, we'll have Ursus, Jagermeister, Tequila for a very reasonable price. For the good mood, you know?

By the way, does anyone knows who Funky Monkey really is? 'Cause some say it's only a spirit, bringing some crazy ( a good way) parties wherever this spirit goes, AND some even say that Funky Monkey is actually YOU!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The coolest monkey wants you !

Hello friends! I personally like this flyer, actually, to be honest, it has a sentimental value. Yes, it's gonna be another Funky Monkey party...has new looks the funkiest monkey in town, looks pretty freakin' awesome ||the best part for me, that I am gonna be home (Phuncee is coming home :D) after 2 and something long months away||. So, believe me, we gonna rock the house (and Obo Cafe is a house if you think about it :P) with funk and indie and reggae and dub and some drum and bass (why not!!) and nice rock'n'roll music. A mix variety of enjoyable music. Ursus 4 lei, longdrinks 8 and Jagermeister 4 lei. Wow! What else do you want?

Friday, do not forget, oldies, especially Michael Jackson's music. Buh-bye. See ya in the weekend!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ku pon dis! (Look on this!)

Hey yo! I-ney! (A classic Rasta greeting). Saturday is big bashment (A great event or happening; dancehall; party) at Obo, manna'! All dem rude bwoys (can be a common greeting to a cool friend) and shorties (slang expression similar to saying ‘chick’ or girl), we awaiting for y'all for the sensational spectacular dandimite (dynamite) reggae night party. Ragga (reggae) rockas (slang for music and enjoying such) for the massive crew, all provided by the masterful skillful, the one and only, universally well-known Dj Winamp with Mc Shuffle. You radda (rather) not stay at home because that is no good and flex (to chill and hang out having a time) at di Obo. Ease up uno self (Relax yourselves) with specially priced beers - Ursus at di price of 4 lei, longdrinks for di price of 8 lei and tequila for only 3 lei. It's a muss (must)!

If you wanna prepare yourself for da party, with some slang words, here's a tip bald heads and dreadlocked people :P :

Big up! Jah bless! (God bless).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun/TASTEit / !

Update, update, upTOdate! summer days. And after every sunny warm day, some hot stuff at Obo. And because weekend starts from Thursday, we have:

Yes, yes dear ladies and sirs. Of course, vyGO. Who does not love our number one deejay, especially for a classical Ladies night, for a night of pure house music. Our guest this week is going to be Nairam Naoi, as you obviously could see on our flyer. Nairam Naoi previously performed at Opium, so it's gonna be a great house music experience this every week, Thursdays at Obo of course. We try to satisfy your hunger for your favorite music and we do our best to do that. No descriptions for vyGO, you already know the lad and his skills :D.

Okay, moving on. Friday..oldies. What can I say? Old skool fun, new skool experience. You are all very very welcome. I guess you already know the drill.

And after Friday comes Saturday. When we shall have a killer party...All you can drink Jagermeister party: the sequel.

Oh yes! All you can freakin drink. Attending: mister deejay Inoxbrains along with his vinyls. Funky jazzy house music for your for your ears, and the pleasure of Jagermeister. We think it's a perfect combination. How about you? See you.

Oh, almost forgot: here's something to tease you >>>

Inoxbrains @ Liquid Sounds on (19.11.2009) [Vinyl mix] by Inoxbrains

The entry fee will be 40 lei-gentleman / 30 lei-ladies. The rest is up to you.

3,2,1...PARTY ON!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ladies...and ladettes

This Tuesday is a more special Tuesday than the others. Besides the familiar vyGO, Azteca, active member of the project and the host of its weekly show, House Experience on
Pure house music. El Jimador, Mexico's no.1 tequila presents LAS NOCHES BLANCAS.
Special prices, free tequila shots for the ladies, Corona to go perfectly with your tequila.

Tequila El Jimador Shot - 3 RON
Corona Extra + Tequila El Jimador Shot - 10 RON


P.S. Azteca Guest at Onefm \ Adrian Eftimie's Show by AZteCA

Monday, May 17, 2010

Liquid Vibez, Ladies Night and 'za' funky monkey style

vyGO & Dimitri @ House Experience on Justmusic.FM [21.05.2010] by vygo

Two flyers, two different evenings/nights. For all taste, for every night of the week. Monday is's your first day of the week, it's hard so we usually take it easy on Mondays. Work, class, other things that make you would just have a drink or something, but not a wild night or a noisy company. We respect that, so Monday, when you'll come to Obo, you will relax, get ready for the week.

Flyer number 1. Liquid Vibez? Inoxbrains? Every Tuesday, starting from!! Couldn't be better? WE KNOW MATE. Absolutely the most enjoyable drum and bass sounds, liquid tunes, Inoxbrains hosts his weekly carefully selected vinyl show !! Who cares if it's in midweek. At least it keeps you electrified on high BPMs. Makes you fit, for the rest of the week.

Wednesday..darts, darts, darts and darts again...and again and again. This week, Wednesday, darts. Got that? Sure you did! No need to tell you one more time :D.

Flyer number 2. Electronic music, again, lower BPM, big fun. Bacardi presents this week's Ladies Night. Behind the CDJ's, in the right corner, between two windows, Vygo and Dimitri. Bacardi Cola, 6 ron. The unbeatable champions of heavyweight Thursday nights...exclusively...and only :) at Obo Cafe.

'Don't you wish your monkey was fun(ky) like me?' . Funky Monkey party. A little less conversation, a little more action please All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me /Elvis/, I can't get no, satisfaction, hey hey hey /The Rolling Stones/ Everybody in the casa mare, dimineata pe racoare /Zdob si Zdub/, I can't get no sleep /Faithless/ And the sign says 'Long haired freaky people need not apply' /Fatboy Slim/ Give it to me baby, aha aha /Offspring/. They all say it in their songs. You'll be hearing it Saturday, at Funky Monkey party. And many more, like this but still different. Music, dancing, hey..even Funky Monkey himself is coming to this party, that's how good is going to be. Definitely join, bring your friends. Saturday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday to Sunday Monday, Monday to Sunday, yo!

It's a new week, some new, fresh stuff for you. You probably noticed the flyer. Well, that's for today's party: if it's Tuesday, it's liquid sounds, soulful drum and bass with deejay InoxbrainS. If it goes well, it might be a sure thing every Tuesday...but that we will see. Here's a mix, just to have a clue.

Inoxbrains - Vinyl Session - Elecetre'n'Bass by Inoxbrains

Wednesday darts. No comment here, I think you all know pretty much everything.

Thursday we decided to change a little bit the headliners. We're gonna dance, dance alongside The Mayor and The rest is Ladies Night. See ya there!

The Mayor promo mix: The Mayor - Liquid Sounds Promo (February 2010) by The Mayor (RO)

And here we are, at the end of the week. Friday I guess you know: oldies music, plenty of people. Relax and enjoy.

Saturday. Well, Saturday it's Funky Monkey. Funky Monkey, with a wide variety of music. Funky Monkey with music you'd like to hear and dance to. Funky Monkey is funky fresh. Refresh yourself.

Have a nice week mates. CHEERioS!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Long time no see

Finally, some fine weather. I mean, less clothes, more fun, warmer nights and longer days. What can be possibly be better than this? Well, I tell you what. Some more fun and a place you hang out. We have the place and we have the reason alias some events, parties and special priced drinks.

Here's what we have for you:

Darts, of course, every Wednesday, including today. Don't forget darts lovers, join the club which is getting bigger and bigger every week at our contest. Powered by Metaxa. The prizes: 1st Metaxa backpack | 2nd Metaxa T-Shirt | 3rd Metaxa Suntonic.

And the all classical Ladies Night, or Vygo, Dimitri and Cahul this week, Thursday. No comment here, it's a fine night every week. If you don't know how it is, maybe you should check it out. You'll love it.

If it's Friday, it's oldies at Obo Cafe Brasov. Again, carefully selected 70's, 80's and 90's music. The peak of the week. Full house, fun, fun and then again...more fun.

And Saturday, Dammschoppen with 20% off for all beers, Ursus, Miller, Pilsner Urquel, you name it. Dammschoppen with german folk music and a limited edition of Ursus beer at only 2 lei. So, limited 2 ron Ursus, draft means "if you're coming earlier, you definitely drink beer almost for free".

Will be waiting you. Nostra casa es su casa :).

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not so unusual

First of all: Happy Easter! Paste Fericit! Hristos a inviat! Hope you enjoyed your holiday like we did, everyone in his own way: at home, with the family, with friends, in the city... at Obo Cafe maybe.

The Ladies Night is still on, next week, another session. We are pleased that we can fill your Thursday night, that this event is becoming more and more popular and known. No trouble though, we don't likey!

And also, next week, the darts contest...reloaded. We had our first final (monthly final) two weeks ago, a new month begins. So, next week darts, Wednesday of course, will be back with more infos.

Get by every day, whenever you want, for a coffee or something refreshing or anything you want to drink ('cuz we have it :D), we are at the same place. You know where we are.
Hey, they say: Small prices, big fun. Come on in! CHEERIOS!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

True Russian way.

Rusky Panyanyusky!

Guess who's back! "...Let's get this party started right/Let's get drunk and freaky fly/We gonna stay up the whole night." says the song. As do we. Vodka party (with the support of our friends from Smirnoff) THIS FRIDAY. YOU DRINK THE VODKA...or all the VODKA YOU can DRINK, unlimited amount, all night. Partystarter, firestarter, the DJ of your favourite night is nobody else than the already veteran DJ Bela. So get ready to get funk'd. The entry fee...amazingly 25 ron. And although on the flyer says after 24:00 it will be 21 (he was thinking about the vodka and the party, apologies accepted :P), actually it will be a little bit 60 ron. So, 25 ron before midnight, 60 after. So, make sure you won't be late. CHEERS!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kiss the cook!

We have for you two special recipes (events) fresh, out from the oven (still warm, and it's gonna be hotter), made by the town's best cooks (and I refer here to ourselves of course). All yummy, all MUST GO!! Dammschoppen, Smirnoff Party, Caipirinha Party, and the "starting to be a classical and notorious" Ladies Night, every Thursday, with vyGO and Dimitri. What else? come! Hope to see each and every one of you! CHEERS!


Monday, March 8, 2010

What's your limit?

"How could it be?", "Really?", "Are you joking?". Lots of questions !!! Yes, really. We have for you, unlimited music, by Inoxbrains [some real nice tricky breakbeat sounds] and unlimited amount and/or shots of Jagermeister for a limited price. ALL YOU CAN DRINK Jagermeister Party, Friday.

We want your soul!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ladies night becomes more and more exciting. And we are glad, because excitement and fun is what we like the most. Everyone enjoyed this weeks Thursday party, in one way or another. Not that the other weeks, people haven't enjoyed the DJ sets of Inoxbrain and/or vyGO. Of course, it was all fun too. I guess that's why more and more attend to this party, and not only. We are making new friends, another thing we are glad and happy about.
Thank you for everyone, and a thank you goes this week to vyGO and Dimitri, for the atmosphere. We have some photos, click on the link below mates.
vyGO & Dimitri Photos

And one more thing : welcome back Tomi and Szilvi. Hope to see you before you leave.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Something about some thing

Hy there. Obo café and bar here. Do you know where the name comes from? I bet you do, and if you don't, sorry, won't tell you, will have to figure it out yourself. Obo is an abbreviation and Paul came up with the name (figures :P). But what about those other two words? Cafe and bar? You know what it means, but if someone asks you to define, it will be much harder than you thought.
That's why, here's a little help. Well, cafe'[French café, from Italian caffè, from Ottoman Turkish qahveh] is not that hard to define if I think about it :-). It simply means coffehouse, but it can also mean a restaurant or BAR or a room in a hotel or restaurant where coffee and liquors are served.
So why Obo café AND bar you might ask. Because it sounds better and because you might have not knew this until know.
Meaning of bar? Several :P. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or a chocolate bar, a tribunal and so on. Or the place where you can sit on a higher chair and drink until you get drunk. Or just drink. The place where the drinks are at and where the bartender usually hangs out. See, that's the difference. At a café you don't sit at the bar, if you have a bar, you can sit and have a chat with the bartender.
Confused? Me to!

Back to serious, don't forget that Wednesday it's darts. This week 301 game rules, you can register until Wednesday, 19:30. And after 20:00 the game is on. Powered by Johnnie Walker

And another thing. We are now in Zile si Nopti, make sure you find us.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Mentioned before, updated now! The darts competition is every Wednesday mates. The new thing, the cool thing is that is powered by Johnnie...Johnnie Walker. The weekly legs prizes are by the mentioned Johnnie Walker. The big prize is the money that is gathered in the weekly the end of every month! The players who take part in any two legs of the month are eligible for the final . And for the players Johnnie Walker + cola 6 ron. Tell me it's not worth it. You can't!!! Hah! It's on!

...and! One more thing. Small prices, big fun, or, in other words, we are now officially in Zile si Nopti. And we have some pretty nice plans made for you. You will find it in the next Zile si Nopti, and of course, on the blog. For starters, ladies night with Inoxbrains. And then, in the next few weeks, some other interesting stuff, like Flower Power, Red Russia or Lucky Saturday. I mean, we really have a good imagination, at least we think so :P. And you will be very busy @ Obo Cafe. For sure! Don't make other plans! See ya!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It speaks for himself!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh yes it's ladies night , and the feeling's right

"Romantic lady , single baby, sophisticated mama..every lady. Come on you disco lady!"

Yes, yes. We are turning the page. It's Thursday, then it's got to be the ladies night.
Free sHOTs for every lady, at the bar, atmosphere created by Dj vyGO with some skilful groovy sounds.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Costume party

You've seen the movies Gladiator, Alexander, Asterix and Obelix, Cleopatra? Don't bother answering :-). Saturday we shall have a themed party, costume party. And the theme is: ANCIENT times. And you can be Hercules, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar or a barbarian king, a simple legionnaire whoever you would like to be from the ancient times, from the times of the early civilizations.

Free shots of SAMBUCA for all of you who wears a costume Saturday.

So: Ancient costume party, at 21:00, Obo Cafe, wear a costume or you won't get free shots. But of course, we will still welcome you with the same joy :D with, or without costume.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


The weekend was awesome! And we are very delighted to, because there was some dancing and party in the true way, so it is clear : this weekend was a success to you and to us as well.

Friday, as always, full house. Maybe we should reconsider the schedule, and have the cafe open until morning, because this week, we closed up after 5 am. But hey, we'll let you know that, if it will change.

I'll just skip Friday this time, because you should now by now, it is oldies night, it is always full, and if you weren't at Obo Friday, you can be sure, that you weren't in the right place. So Saturday....

The Mexican party was sick....sick as in very very freakin' goooooood! I mean....where can you get a Corona and a shot of the best tequila at a price of 8 lei? Nowhere, except at us, on a Mexican party. Our "amigo", Jose Cuervo made me, you, all of us present "amigos". That is why they say: tequila brings people together. I don't know if this saying exists, but I'm pretty sure that there is some truth in it.
[ By the way! Do you know how do they make tequila? It's made from blue-agave, made primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila , 65 kilometres northwest of Guadalajara, and in the highlands (Los Altos) of the western Mexican state of Jalisco. So, after harvesting the agave, they clear the piñas (Spanish for pineapples). They are then shredded, their juices pressed out and put into fermentation tanks and vats. It's allowed to ferment in either wood or stainless steel vats for several days to convert the sugars into alcohol.] This is how, after a hard work and fermenting and shipping, the finest tequila was brought specially to the Mexican party, last night.

The poncho and the sombrero was hot. I don't know how these Mexican can stay in those warm accessories, especially after some shots of tequila. Anyway, back to the party. I liked it. The mariachi music is a bit depressive I admit, but I think it goes along very well with the tequila. And this slow, mellow mariachi music played only by midnight. Just for the drinking period. After that, we had some real Mexican music. And after that, party music. To bad many of you left, we had some great after party. It was like hell broke lose, really. In a good way of course :-) ! I can't even describe how was it, I can just say that it was great, with dancing and having fun, all that. Until morning, how else.. We'll post some pictures later on. Until then, maybe you should post some comments, tell us how was the Saturday in your point of view, or write us anything you want or you'd like (we'd appreciate some suggestions to)

Una weekendo plesenta amigos! Salutare!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mexican Party on Saturday

Hey, gringo! Saturday una fiesta mexicana at Obo Cafe. Before the day of the Valentine's, tequilla and Corona will be on the main menu to really start up a Mexican style party. Have a nice siesta Saturday, and when the night falls, get your sombrero and your "pistola" with you to Obo Cafe.

Well yeah ... we know it's Valentines ... but that's old news , we are gonna drink and party like the mexicans.

Mariachi music , Corona , Tequila , Bloody Maria and Margaritas will be the night's most wanted.

And don't worry Corona and Tequila will be a few "pesos", not like anything else will be expensive.
Free entrance.

Free Nachos
One Meter of Tequila (Jose Cuervo) ~ 40 ron
Corona ~ 8 ron + you will get a Tequila shot on the House
Margarita and Bloody Maria ~ 10 ron.
Mexican Flag ~ 8 ron

Monday, February 8, 2010

Darts contest for everyone.

We will do it like this: Darts every Wednesday from now on, every day different games, one week 301, another week 501 and then cricket. All you got to do is subscribe.

Funky fresh

Funkee, scratchee, funny
You don't need only the money
Come bring your honey
The music's gonna make you druggy.

Are you funky fresh? Got to come Tuesday . . Carefully selected playlist! Free entrance.

We don't need to pop out your eardrums to enjoy our funky sounds!!

A weekend wasted is never a wasted weekend!

...that is what they say. And I guarantee you that this saying is perfectly true in some weird way. Everybody had a great time Friday night. You can be very disappointed if you weren't here. Those free shots I told you about, had its effects. They went away every time like warm bread, or "ca painea calda". I myself got in the "very drunk guy" position. And I wasn't the only one. Laughing, dancing, friends, all of the house specialty. Hey, we even were open until early morning.
We liked the atmosphere. You liked the atmosphere.
And about my experience? I got to tell you one thing though, before I'll write something further. I never would have thought that my sight will get this blurry Friday night. But, that's the magic. Simply, drink, drink, drink and drunk. Maybe made a little bit a fool of myself, especially in the morning. Sorry for the toilet and the people in my way for the bathroom.
Next Friday, same thing. Salutare.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Your weekend is knockin' at your door!!

And you can easily start your weekend from today*. We take it slowly, so we'll have today, Thursday, jazz and blues. And with jazz and blues, your friends go along very well, so don't come alone, bring your friends, as many as you can.

*Soulful, joyful, jazzy as shown in the example below.

And after an easy start of your early weekend, Friday comes with more energy. Obo Cafe has all the condition to start the party, it just depends on you how big it will be. We'll have the music, hey, even free shots to get you lose. Yup, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, FREE SHOTS!!!
What do you want me to tell you else? Get your friends, take your coats, come on in, get together. See ya!

P.S.: And if you're around Obo, between 14 and 20 o'clock, check out how some 15 year old teenagers celebrate a birthday nowadays. My little brother's birthday. Tell me how it was, 'cause I can't be there.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Allow me

Hello friends. Obo Cafe had this week its first darts contest. Concentration, nerves, competitiveness, drinks, fun...we had everything. A real success! A bunch of you came, some of you even had more luck than the others..but at the end, it wasn't that important who won. This was the first of the several contests to be held. And next time, we are sure there will be even more in the basement, gathering for a game.

The world's #1 vodka (not accidentally we have this vodka in our menu.. oh and btw the shots given out Friday were made out of the same vodka ) invites you to be restless, to be inventive, to be extraordinary, to be able to say 'I was There'. Were you Obo Cafe? We had some nice oldies music and full house. We even ran out of beer. Everyone had a great time. Dancing and party means two times more fun. So, this is a special request! Get a move on, have your legs and your body go with the flow, with the music. I guarantee you all, besides having good drinks and fun with your friends, dancing goes along well with the spirit of Obo Cafe. Have some more fun. See you next time. CHEERioS!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Darts? DARTS! in January the 27th, we shall have a darts contest, Cricket to be more exact. Starting at 8PM. Best out of 3 games. It doesn't matter you can't play...beginners luck actually works in this game. And if you don't least you tried and had some fun. So come on know the drill:put some clothes on, hop in your car, grab a taxi, have a walk to Obo Cafe..

Let me introduce myself.

Hello there people. If you enjoy playing darts, drinking some well made cocktails, good company, quality music, or you simply don't know where to go in Brasov, then you're on the right spot. Why? Because Obo Cafe is all this. Let me show you some pictures..

...and this is just the looks of Obo cafe. Quite cozy, huh?

Okay, let's go on. So, let me elaborate. Ursus, Miller, Corona..some of the beers. Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, Smirnoff, Tequilla Sunrise, Cuba Libre, Long Island. Some special, obo style cocktails, anything you want. And of course coffee. The whole menu

Interested? And we shouldn't forget the music! Chillout, funk, ambient, jazz and blues, oldies, electronic. Every day of the week, different genres.

Where is it? Bisericii Romane street nr. 112, at the corner of Sitei street. Open from Monday to Friday from 10 to 23, Saturdays from 17 to 23.

Come on in! Put some clothes on, hop in your car, a taxi, the bus, take a walk, whatever..Your next stop is Obo Cafe.